How to Send Cold Emails Safely Without Getting Blocked

Boost Inbox Logo Mia Anderson
October 11, 2024

Cold emailing is a highly successful approach to expand your network, attract new clients, and promote your services. Cold emailing, when done correctly, can help you connect with new clients, partners, or investors, allowing you to take advantage of chances you might not have otherwise. However, sending cold emails can be a two-edged sword. If not executed appropriately, your emails may be blocked or designated as spam, significantly limiting your capacity to reach out and connect.

In this article, we'll show you how to send cold emails without being blocked and how Boost Inbox can make the entire process easier, more efficient, and more successful.

What is Cold Emailing?

Cold emailing is the practice of contacting people or businesses with whom you have never before communicated. These emails are unsolicited, but not at random. They are targeted and suited to the recipient, with the purpose of starting a conversation, increasing awareness of your product or service, or even completing a sale.

Unlike spam emails, which are frequently useless, bulk-sent, and untargeted, cold emails are intended to be individualized and beneficial to the recipient. While cold emailing might have positive outcomes, doing it incorrectly can have the opposite impact.

Your email may be labeled as spam, blocked by email service providers, or just ignored. To avoid these mistakes, adhere to best practices and utilize useful tools such as Boost Inbox to expedite your work.

Why Cold Emails Get Blocked or Marked as Spam

One of the most serious concerns associated with cold emailing is having your emails blocked or tagged as spam. Once this occurs, your emails will no longer reach their intended recipients, and your email sender reputation may suffer. Over time, this could result in your site being blacklisted, making subsequent emails even less likely to reach anyone's inbox.

Here are some common reasons why cold emails are blocked:

Sending to Invalid Email Addresses: 

If you're sending emails to addresses that don’t exist, it signals to email providers that you’re not careful with your lists.

Bulk Sending Without Proper Setup: 

Sending hundreds of cold emails in one go, especially from a personal or unverified email account, raises red flags.

Lack of Personalization: 

Sending generic emails is a sign of spammy behavior. If your email looks like it’s part of a mass campaign, recipients may ignore it or mark it as spam.

Non-Compliance with Email Laws: 

Regulations like the CAN-SPAM Act require that you provide certain details like opt-out options and don’t mislead recipients with fake headers or subject lines.

No Engagement: 

If your emails are consistently ignored and unopened, email service providers will assume you're sending irrelevant content, which can lower your sender reputation.

By understanding these pitfalls, you can craft a more effective cold email strategy that keeps you out of the spam folder and in front of your target audience.

Why Boost Inbox is the Best Email Warm-Up Tool

There are many email warm-up tools available, but Boost Inbox stands out as one of the best email warm-up services for several key reasons:


Automation is a game changer for email warm-up, and Boost Inbox excels at it by automating the entire process. With this service, you no longer have to manually send a few emails per day to gradually improve your sender reputation. Instead, Boost Inbox manages this for you by mimicking typical email interactions including opening, replying, and moving emails across folders. This automated procedure guarantees that your email account gains credibility with service providers, freeing you up to focus on other critical activities such as creating appealing email content and improving your marketing approach.

Increased Deliverability:

Increased deliverability is a crucial factor in the success of any email campaign, and Boost Inbox ensures that your emails consistently land in recipients' inboxes rather than being flagged as spam. By gradually ramping up the volume of emails sent from your account, this tool helps establish a trustworthy sender reputation. It simulates natural email activity, which is essential for avoiding spam filters and maintaining credibility with email service providers. As your sender reputation improves over time, so does the likelihood that your messages will reach your audience's primary inbox.

Build in Reports:

Boost Inbox eliminates uncertainty from email warm-up by providing integrated reporting tools that provide you with precise insights into the effectiveness of your campaign. Important indicators such email delivery and your overall sender reputation are covered in these comprehensive reports. You can keep an eye on these metrics to evaluate how your email warm-up is going, how your sender score

is improving over time, and whether there are any possible problems that might have an impact on your campaigns. You may optimize your email marketing approach by making data-driven decisions with the visibility these reports give you.

Spam Reduction:

One important factor in lessening the possibility that email providers would designate your emails as spam is Boost Inbox. It accomplishes this by progressively enhancing your sender reputation via an organized email warm-up procedure. The program increases email activity in a way that resembles normal behavior, such as opening, replying, and interacting with emails, as opposed to sending out a lot of cold emails right once. By doing this, you assist email service providers in identifying your account as reliable, which lowers the likelihood that your communications will be reported as spam and keeps your domain off of blacklists.

Benefits of Using Boost Inbox

Improved Email Deliverability The core benefit of Boost Inbox enhance your email deliverability. By gradually warming up your email account, Boost Inbox ensures your emails make it to the inbox. This process significantly reduces the risk of your emails being flagged as spam or going unnoticed altogether.

Faster Results

Instead of waiting weeks or months for your email reputation to build up organically, Boost Inbox accelerates the process. With its automated warm-up sequences, you can achieve better deliverability in a much shorter time frame, giving your outreach efforts a quicker start.

Reduced Risk of Spam Flags

One of the most frustrating aspects of cold emailing is the possibility of being marked as spam. Boost Inbox reduces this risk by following best practices for email warm-up. The tool mimics natural interactions, gradually building your sending reputation and ensuring your emails are seen as trustworthy by ESPs.

Better Engagement and Conversions

Ultimately, the goal of any cold email campaign is to engage your audience and convert leads into clients. With Boost Inbox, your emails are more likely to be opened and read, which increases the chances of engagement. Over time, this can lead to more meaningful connections and improved conversion.

How Not to Get Blocked When Sending Cold Emails

Now that we've covered the concerns, let's look at how you can send cold emails without getting blocked. The idea is to follow best practices, engage your receivers, and utilize the correct technologies to ensure your emails arrive in the inbox.

1. Create a Quality Email List

One of the first things to address is your email list. Make sure to send cold emails to legitimate, active, and relevant email addresses. Using an email verification service, such as Boost Inbox, can help you clean up your list by eliminating incorrect emails and lowering bounce rates. The cleaner your email list, the higher your chances of bypassing spam filters.

2. Personalize each email

Everyone dislikes receiving generic emails that appear to have been sent to a hundred individuals at once. Personalization is critical to increasing open and response rates. Begin by addressing the recipient by name and mentioning something special about them or their business.

Boost Inbox makes it simple to personalize each email with no effort, thanks to powerful capabilities that allow you to automatically insert the recipient's name, company name, or other information.

3. Keep your emails short and engaging

People are busy, and no one has the time to read long emails from strangers. Keep your cold emails concise, to the point, and entertaining. Your email should clearly clarify who you are, why you're contacting them, and how the receiver can benefit. Respect their time and provide a clear call to action so they know what to do next if they are interested.

4. Follow Email Regulations

Email laws, such as the CAN-SPAM Act in the United States, must be followed without exception. These restrictions are in place to prevent customers from getting unsolicited emails. To maintain compliance, make sure you:

i.   Clearly identify yourself and your business.
ii.  Avoid using false subject lines or email headers.
Iii. Provide a simple opt-out option.
iv. Respond swiftly to opt-out requests.

Boost Inbox helps you stay compliant by informing you of crucial email regulations and ensuring that your outreach activities adhere to legal standards.

5. Use Email Sending Tools to Optimize Your Efforts

When sending cold emails manually, it is easy to neglect critical aspects such as the optimal time to send or the number of emails to send at once. Boost Inbox makes it easy to automate these tasks. The software allows you to plan emails for the best sending times, increasing the possibility that your message will be viewed and read. It also guarantees that your emails are sent in a regulated and ordered manner, which keeps you out of spam filters.

6. Automate Your Follow-Ups

Follow-up is critical when it comes to cold emailing. Most recipients will not respond to the initial email, and that is fine. A well-timed, perfect follow-up might remind them of your message without being too intrusive.

Boost Inbox allows you to automate your follow-ups, saving you time while keeping you top-of-mind with your prospects.

7. Monitor your email performance

Tracking the performance of your cold emails is one of the most effective strategies to enhance your strategy. Are they being opened? Are they clicking on links or reacting to your calls to action?

Boost Inbox gives detailed metrics that show you what's working and what's not. You may use this data to change your plan, improve your messaging, and eventually improve your cold emailing results.


Cold emailing is an effective strategy to expand your network, attract new customers, and market your brand. However, to avoid being blocked or classed as spam, you must do it correctly. Cold emailing success can be dramatically improved by following best practices such as developing a quality email list, customizing your emails, using an email warm-up service to build sender reputation, complying with rules, and using tools such as Boost Inbox. Try Boost Inbox today and see how easy it is to send cold emails without being blacklisted. Ready to step up your cold email strategy? Check out our blog 6 Cold Email Tips To Warm Up Leads And Boost Sales

What to read next

Yes, Boost Inbox is designed to cater to businesses of all sizes and industries.

Absolutely! Boost Inbox is compatible with most major email service providers.

The warmup process duration may vary depending on your email volume, but it typically ranges from a few days to a couple of weeks.

Yes, Boost Inbox offers dedicated customer support to assist you throughout the warmup process.

While it's possible, it's best to start the warmup process from the beginning with Boost Inbox for optimal results.