The Ultimate Guide to the Best Time for Sending Cold Emails

Boost Inbox Logo Mia Anderson
August 22, 2024
cold emails

Even in the current digital world, cold emailing is still a highly effective way to interact with new people, generate leads, and reach prospective customers. The timing of the email's delivery is just as important to the effectiveness of a cold email campaign as the substance of the message, though. The optimal timing of your email sends can greatly boost open rates and, eventually, return on investment (ROI). This post will give you practical advice on when it's ideal to send cold emails so you can maximize the impact of your email marketing.

Understanding the Importance of Timing in Cold Emailing

Why Timing Matters:

A cold email's timing can determine whether it is read and responded to or ignored and discarded. Your email has a higher chance of being seen, read, and responded to when it reaches the recipient's inbox at the appropriate moment. Timing and receiver behavior are related because recipients check their emails at different times of the day. Sending emails during specific times of the day enhances the likelihood that recipients will respond.

Factors Influencing the Best Time to Send Cold Emails:

Several factors determine the best time to send cold emails. These include:

Industry: Different industries have different working hours and email habits. For example, emails sent to the tech industry might perform better at different times than those sent to the retail sector.

Target Audience: Understanding your audience's daily routines and work schedules can help pinpoint when they are most likely to check their emails.

Time Zones: If your target audience spans multiple time zones, it’s crucial to consider when your email will arrive in their inboxes. Sending an email that arrives at 2 AM in the recipient's time zone is unlikely to get a prompt response.

General Best Practices for Sending Cold Emails

Common Timeframes for Sending Cold Emails:

Research suggests that certain days and times are generally more effective for sending cold emails.

Mornings (9 AM - 11 AM): Sending emails in the mid-morning, after people have had time to settle into their workday, often results in higher open rates.

Afternoons (1 PM - 3 PM): Early afternoons can also be effective, as people often check their emails after returning from lunch.

These timeframes work because they align with typical office hours when professionals are most likely to be checking their emails.

The Role of Time Zones:

The time zones of your recipients should be taken into consideration when organizing your cold email marketing. Sending an email to someone in California, for instance, at 9 AM from New York might be sent at 6 AM, when they are unlikely to be checking their emails. Use email scheduling software to send emails at the best times for each time zone to avoid this.

Optimal Days for Sending Cold Emails

Best Days to Send Cold Emails:

The ideal days to send cold emails are generally agreed to be Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Because Tuesday is early in the workweek and less hectic than Monday, it is very effective. Because people are fully focused on their work and are more likely to interact with new emails, Wednesday and Thursday are also good days.

Days to Avoid:

Mondays and Fridays: Monday mornings are often filled with catching up from the weekend, and your email might get lost in the rush. Fridays, on the other hand, are usually focused on wrapping up the week, and people may not want to engage with new tasks. Weekends are generally poor times for business-related emails as most professionals are not checking work emails during this time.

Optimal Times for Sending Cold Emails

Best Times of Day to Send Cold Emails:

Early Morning (8 AM - 9 AM): Some studies suggest that sending emails early in the morning can be effective, as people often check their emails first thing after arriving at work.

Late Morning (10 AM - 11 AM): This is another optimal time, as it captures the audience when they are fully into their workday but not yet swamped with tasks.

Mid-Afternoon (2 PM - 3 PM): This time can be effective as people often take a quick break from tasks and check emails during this period.

Times to Avoid:

Late Evenings and Early Mornings: Emails sent late at night or very early in the morning are likely to get buried under other emails that arrive later, reducing the chances of them being opened.

Testing and Analyzing the Best Time for Your Audience

A/B Testing for Optimal Timing:

The best way to determine the optimal time for sending cold emails to your specific audience is through A/B testing. This involves sending your emails at different times and days to see which performs best. You can test various elements such as subject lines and send times to find the perfect combination that yields the highest engagement.

Analyzing Results:

After your testing is finished, it's crucial to examine the data. Keep an eye on important indicators such as response, click-through, and open rates. If a certain period consistently outperforms others, you can modify your email strategy accordingly. It's imperative to test and modify continuously because the behavior of your audience can vary over time.

Tools and Resources for Finding the Best Time to Send Cold Emails

Email Scheduling Tools:

You may use several tools to help you plan the best times to send out cold emails. Utilizing tools such as Mailchimp, HubSpot, and Sendinblue, you may schedule email sends according to the time zone of the recipient. Additionally, these solutions include analytics so you can monitor the effectiveness of your emails and make informed decisions.

Resources for Staying Updated on Best Practices:

Industry blogs, forums, and research are great places to keep up with the newest developments and best practices in cold emailing. For the most recent information, check out websites like HubSpot, Neil Patel's blog, and the Email Marketing Benchmarks report.


For cold email campaigns to be successful, timing is everything. You can dramatically increase your open and response rates by learning the optimal days and times to send emails, taking time zones into account, and running A/B tests. Put these tactics into practice right now to get better outcomes from your cold email outreach. If you found this guide helpful, stay with us for more tips and strategies for optimizing your email marketing campaigns. Let’s start improving your cold email success together! Check out our other blog "Benefits of Email Warm-Up Before Cold Outreach"

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