Best strategies to warmup your email

Boost Inbox Logo Mia Anderson
February 14, 2024

Email warmup is your secret tool for avoiding spam filters and ensuring your messages arrive in inboxes. This is not just a technicality; it's a must-do for better email deliverability and inbox placement. You can build a strong sending reputation by following a carefully arranged list of steps, ensuring that each campaign effectively reaches its intended audience.

Let's look at how you can warm up your email to turn your campaigns into success stories!

Top Email Warmup Strategies

Personalize Your Outreach

Gone are the days of sending the bulk of emails. Take the time to research your intended recipients and customize your message accordingly.

Address them by name and provide specific information about them or their business. This personalized touch goes a long way toward creating a connection and capturing their attention.

Create attractive subject lines

Your subject line is the first thing recipients see, so make it count! To get them to open your email, use information, relevance, and a hint of interest.

Experiment with different styles, such as questions, benefits, and urgency, to see what works best for your audience.

Provide Value Up Front

In today's fast-paced digital world, people value content that adds value to their lives. Start your email with an appealing opening or an important point of view that explains why the recipient should keep reading. Whether it's a useful tip, an interesting statistic, or a relevant story, capture their attention right away.

Build Trust By doing authenticity

Authenticity creates trust, which is necessary for effective communication. Maintain a genuine tone and approach, and avoid speaking too salesy or robotic. To create a meaningful connection, share unique stories, highlight commonalities, or express an honest interest in the recipient's work.

Optimize Send Times

Timing is everything when it comes to email outreach. Experiment with different send times to find out when those who receive it are most active and likely to interact with your message. Tools like email scheduling software can assist you in optimizing send times for maximum impact.

Follow Up Carefully

If you haven't received a response to the first email you sent, don't be afraid to send another. Create concise and polite follow-up messages that add value or explain a point from the first communication. Persistence pays off, but don't forget to respect your recipient's time and limits.

Finally, track and analyze the performance of your email campaigns. To figure out the effectiveness of your strategies, monitor metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and response rates. Use this data to repeatedly and continuously improve your approach over time.

Common Mistakes to Avoid During Email Warmup

Send to Purchased or Cold Lists

When warming up your email, it may be tempting to rush to send it to a large number of people. However, sending emails to purchased or cold lists can have adverse effects. These recipients do not know you and are more likely to mark your emails as spam, harming your sender's reputation from the start. Always try to create your list organically, making sure that your contacts are genuinely interested in what you have to say.

Ignoring Subscriber Engagement

The quality of contact with your emails is critical to warming them up. If you're just sending out emails without tracking opens, clicks, or responses, you're missing out. Pay attention to how your subscribers respond to your emails.

This feedback is invaluable. Tailor your content to increase relationships, such as by asking questions or encouraging responses, to boost engagement and, as a result, your sender's reputation.

Overlooking Email Authentication

Many people overlook the technical details of email marketing, but email authentication (including SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records) is important. These rules help mail servers identify if your emails are genuine and not impersonated.

Setting up these records improves your chances of landing in the inbox instead of the spam folder. So don't skip this step in your email warm-up!

The key feature of an email warm-up strategy 

The email warm-up strategy includes multiple key features that aim at building trust with email service providers (ESPs) and improving deliverability.

First, to get started, send a small number of emails and gradually increase the volume over time. This slow ramp-up helps replicate natural email-sending behavior and reduces the possibility of spam filtering.

Second, increasing email content and recipients is important. Sending a variety of content types (e.g., newsletters, promotional offers, and informational updates) to different segments of your email list shows that your emails are relevant and valuable to recipients.

Third, regular involvement with your emails is important. Encourage recipients to open, click, and engage with your emails by including compelling content and calls to action. High engagement signals to ESPs that your emails are wanted and trusted by recipients, which can positively impact deliverability.

Fourth, keeping a clean email list is necessary. Remove inactive or unengaged subscribers on a regular basis to improve list quality and reduce the risk of detecting spam. 

Finally, tracking email results and adjusting your strategy accordingly is important. Keep an eye on statistics like open rates, click-through rates, bounce rates, and spam complaints to evaluate the effectiveness of your warm-up strategy and make any necessary changes to improve deliverability.

By implementing these key features, you can effectively boost your email sending reputation and increase the possibility of your emails reaching the inbox instead of the spam folder. 


Warming up your email can look like a last-minute effort in the fast-paced world of email marketing, but it is important. By gradually introducing your email address and engaging with your audience, you not only improve deliverability and inbox placement but also lay the groundwork for trust.

Remember that effective communication is necessary for any successful relationship, including one with your subscribers. Use these strategies carefully to make sure that your messages not only show up but also connect.

Boost Inbox Email Warmup Tool will change your email outreach! Say good-bye to cold starts and hello to higher delivery rates. 

What to read next

Yes, Boost Inbox is designed to cater to businesses of all sizes and industries.

Absolutely! Boost Inbox is compatible with most major email service providers.

The warmup process duration may vary depending on your email volume, but it typically ranges from a few days to a couple of weeks.

Yes, Boost Inbox offers dedicated customer support to assist you throughout the warmup process.

While it's possible, it's best to start the warmup process from the beginning with Boost Inbox for optimal results.