Mastering the Art of Warming Up a New Email Domain: A Guide by Boost Inbox

Boost Inbox Logo Maria Oscar
September 21, 2023

Introduction :

Are your emails disappearing into the void or ending up in the dreaded spam folder? Email marketing is a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their audience, but it's crucial to handle it correctly. Approximately 51% of emails sent end up in the spam folder. If you're planning to use email marketing, one of the essential steps is to warm up your email domain.

In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to warm up your email domain with Boost Inbox effectively.

Step 1: Set Up Your BoostInbox Account

Connect your inbox to any email provider (Gmail - GSuite OAuth, Outlook 365, Yahoo Mail, Amazon SES, SMTP, etc.) in just a few seconds. No technical skills required: fast and easy to set up!

Step 2: Verify Your Domain

To ensure that your emails have a trustworthy sender domain, you should verify it with Boost Inbox.

This process begins with identifying your email sending domain and IP address. Boost Inbox then creates a customized warmup plan based on your sending volume and frequency.

Step 3: Segment Your Email List

Segmenting your email list is a crucial step in warming up your email domain. Divide your email list into smaller segments based on factors like engagement history, purchase behavior, or demographics.

This allows you to tailor your email content to specific audiences and helps maintain a positive sender reputation.

Step 4: Start with Low-Volume Campaigns

When you're ready to begin sending emails, start with low-volume campaigns. Send emails to a small portion of your list, such as your most engaged subscribers or loyal customers.

This gradual approach allows you to monitor email deliverability and engagement rates closely.

Step 5: Monitor Your Email Metrics

Keep a close eye on your email metrics, including open rates, click-through rates, bounce rates, and spam complaints.

Boost Inbox provides detailed analytics to help you track the performance of your email campaigns. If you notice any issues, such as a high bounce rate or low engagement, take corrective action.

Step 6: Gradually Increase Sending Volume

As you see positive results and your email metrics improve, gradually increase the volume of emails you send.

Continue to segment your list and send relevant content to different groups of subscribers. This step-by-step approach ensures that you don't overload your email domain and damage your sender reputation.

Step 7: Gradually Introduce Promotional Emails

Once your email domain is adequately warmed up, you can start sending promotional emails to your entire list.

However, continue to monitor your email metrics closely and be prepared to adjust your strategy if necessary.

Step 8: Maintain Best Practices

Even after successfully warming up your email domain, it's essential to maintain best practices in email marketing.

This includes providing value to your subscribers, sending relevant content, and adhering to email marketing regulations, such as GDPR and CAN-SPAM.

Warming up your email domain is a critical step to ensure the success of your email marketing campaigns.


Boost Inbox provides the tools and guidance needed to complete this process effectively. By following this step-by-step guide and monitoring your email metrics closely, you can build a strong sender reputation and improve your email deliverability, ultimately leading to better engagement with your audience and increased business success.

What to read next

Yes, Boost Inbox is designed to cater to businesses of all sizes and industries.

Absolutely! Boost Inbox is compatible with most major email service providers.

The warmup process duration may vary depending on your email volume, but it typically ranges from a few days to a couple of weeks.

Yes, Boost Inbox offers dedicated customer support to assist you throughout the warmup process.

While it's possible, it's best to start the warmup process from the beginning with Boost Inbox for optimal results.